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Erin, Kyle & McKenzie

This is a suddenly story, involving three friends, on totally different paths, heading in the same direction - worship. Erin, McKenzie and Kyle were just being obedient -- doing what was right in front of them at the time, a gym owner, a mom and an IT analyst. 
Last Fall a suggestion was made and one small step was taken. Then opportunity after opportunity kept knocking. And step after step, through a pandemic, carried them to Shachah. The heart of this movement is the intimacy of the supernatural. 
Sonically, ideas can pass through our ears and gain access to our inner selves. Words have the power to change minds and music can shape the soul. Why not build something amazing with those two gifts. Shachah’s desire is to share good news, transform hearts, and activate those dormant dreams and purposes that are, like our own, just waiting for their invitation. Come along with us on this wild ride into the unknown, knowing full well, the beauty, the wonder and the miracles are just beginning.

Home: Welcome



John 1:29-34- The Baptism of Jesus 

The desire behind River was to share one of the most important acts in our Christian faith; giving our lives to Jesus as a public demonstration and the power behind our surrender to Him. It's a call to repentance and total surrender to Jesus. As a new believer takes their first step into a new life in Christ, there is a conversation that happens between the new believer and Jesus. God will be with us in the toughest of circumstances. This baptism was the inauguration of that ministry.

Jesus miracle of water into wine, A beautiful song about Jesus' miracles

John 2:1-11 - Wedding at Cana

The motivation behind this song is derived from the first miracle that Jesus performed at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. We invite the listener to “Come taste and see that the Lord is good.” This was just the beginning of a series of miracles that the Lord demonstrated at that time but wants to continue in our lives today.

Jesus' Miracle helping the blind to see, enjoy a collection of music about Jesus, meditation music, Edm Music, Christian Music, Shachah

John 9:1-12 - Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This song is a call to all those in need of healing. That their eyes may be opened to our Savior. The lyrics are to inspire us to lean into our faith so that we may see together the goodness of the Lord here on earth.

Jesus' miracle multipling the fish and loaves to feed the 5000,  enjoy a collection of music about Jesus, meditation music, Edm Music, Christian Music, Shachah

John 6:10-11 - Feeding the 5000

This techno pop song was inspired by Jesus’ multiplication of a simple offering to feed the 5,000.We cannot live by bread alone, but only through Christ can life be lived abundantly. This song is a gentle reminder to our daily Christian lives that nothing we face here on earth is too big for God, Jesus is big enough for any of our expectations, and he uses other people to bless others, and ultimately, it shows Jesus’ compassion for His people. Through this miracle, we are reassured of Jesus' Love for us. He is the bread of life, Lechem.

JesusA song written about Mary anointing Jesus feet with her onointing oil and hair, enjoy a collection of music about Jesus, meditation music, Edm Music, Christian Music, Shachah

John 12:1-11 - Anointing Jesus' Feet

The inspiration behind this song comes from Mary anointing the feet of Jesus during Passover. This production contains elements of prophetic worship and soothing vibrations, as a way to call the listener to enter into an intimate time of worship.

A song about the man at the pool of bethesda, enjoy a collection of music about Jesus, meditation music, Edm Music, Christian Music, Shachah

John 5:1-30 - Healing at the Pool of Bethesda

This song was inspired by Jesus' miracle at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus tells a man who was lame to pick up his mat and walk. When Jesus instructs the man, he immediately stands up and is healed. This song is a call for Jesus to stir up our faith and declare healing over our lives. Trusting in, relying on, and clinging to Jesus is the path to everlasting life. Jesus said that hearing His word and belief in the Father (Him who sent Me) is the path to everlasting life.

A song written about the Samaritan Woman, Collection of music about Jesus, Eternity, Christian EDM Music

John 4:13 - Samaritan Woman

As we encounter Jesus for the first time, we are encouraged that through him we have access to eternal life. This song is a reminder of the power set before us as children of God and how we have access to Christ through his Word and resurrected power. Lift his name on high with the Word of Power and truth.

Song about washing Jesus feet, christian worship music, Edm music, meditation music

John 13: 6-7 - Washing the Disciples' Feet

This song is a worship anthem to wake up and answer the call of servanthood and to never stop operating in the blessing of jesus. Just as Jesus washes his disciples feet as a demonstration of service, we are likewise to go and serve others. This song is to remind us that Christ has anointed us to see the truth in the kingdom and to live in community with Him. He has redeemed us from our sins and covered us in his atonement. As children of God we have been called to bless others as christ has blessed us

A song about Jesus on the Cross, it is finished, Tetelestai, Christian EDM Music, Mediation music

John 18 & 19 - The Crucifixion of Jesus 

The crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. This song is to show how Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave His life in order to defeat the deadly consequences of sin once and for all. He made a way for us to stand in the presence of the Father, the one true God, and to live with Him for eternity in heaven. Through the most painful death, came the greatest gift, our salvation through the Messiah. This song is written from Jesus' last prayer before he was beaten and carried His cross to be crucified for us.

A song Written about heaven and Jesus Resurrection, Meditation music, edm music

John 20:13,14 - Jesus' Resurrection

Take a journey to heaven with this alluring chill house vibe sound filled with beautiful descriptions of the kingdom of heaven, Christ who sits on the throne, in power and splendor. Christ is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords -the one who was, who is, and who is still to come. As you worship, take the ride and enjoy the collection of futuristic sounds and the depiction of heaven, filled with the power of Christ in thas you envision the throne room of God.

JesusTells Peter to feed his sheep, Christian music, meditation music, christian edm music

John 21:15-19 - Feed My Sheep

The desire behind this song is to draw the listener into a communion with Jesus. A call for believers to share in the love of Jesus, the freedom that comes from His name, making disciples and caring for His sheep. Lyrics and spoken Word are inspired by Peter and Jesus' conversation in John 21 about love and commitment.

Jesus Ascension, heaven and earth, christian music, edm Christian music, faith

Acts 1 - Jesus' Ascension

As Jesus ascends from earth into heaven, take a Step with us into an intimate atmosphere of worship. Be Still is a collection of futuristic melodic sounds that saturates you in the power of God’s word “Be still and know that I am God”.



This album, entitled Supernatural, is a collection of Jesus' miracles during His ministry on earth. All songs are written directly from the Word of God to inspire worship, change hearts, and bring salvation and healing through revival. Each song is unique with EDM flavor and an infusion of Hebrew language.

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